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Writer's picturejennybjerken

finding glimmers

apparently there is a new word for an old way of finding the small pockets of goodness around us.

they are called glimmers. they are the spontaneous moments that spark joy or peace, which can help cue our nervous system to feel safe or calm. they have a positive effect on our mental health. they are the exact opposite of a trigger, and we'd all be better if we started looking for them more often.

i find them daily. often, not even when i expect it. let me share a few with you.

+ taking pictures of my people.

+ when tucker said he saved a note i left him years ago in their bag when they would go to their dad's house to stay. he said he didn't see it right away, but it meant so much to him he kept it (and pulled it out to show me).

+ when levi literally shares a play by play of his entire school day with me.

+ when nick lays on my lap while we watch tv.

+ when willa kisses my cheek + hugs my neck.

+ when the sky is the perfect cotton candy pink + somehow fades right into the big blue lake with barely a way to distinguish the horizon.

+ when i lay on the couch in the sun, letting the warmth hit my face ... snuggled in my favorite blanket before drifting off for a nap.

glimmers, man.

they are everywhere. soak them in. write them down. let them be the driver of our mood.

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